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Selectmen Minutes 07/23/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – July 23, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren,
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson
Call to order: Day called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm
6:30 – Parks & Recreation, Stephanie Lamothe – Stephanie updated the Board where she is with the recreation programs
  • Vending Machines - vending machines have been installed, they will be moved to the Meeting House in the winter.  While at the beach, if it is vandalized it will be the responsibility of the town to repair it, in which case, the vending machines will be removed.
  • Picnic – requested some funds for prizes, has asked for sponsorship for ice cream, will have a cotton candy machine.  Jarvis will play music, as will the band Tattoo.  Picnic will be Saturday, August 8 2009 between 12-4. Getting the word out via flyers.
  • Teen night – scheduled for August 3rd, 6:00 pm at the Town Office meeting room.  Stephanie asked that teens be encouraged to participate.
  • Fall recreation program – currently brainstorming for fall programs; youth soccer will be starting August 28th.  Signups are on July 30 & 31 at the Meeting House between 5:00 -7:00 pm.   Will coordinate the schedule with the Mountaineers, she is sure there is more than enough space.
  • Knitting workshop – fall will begin a variety of Saturday workshops (i.e. socks, scarf making, mittens etc.)
  • Instructors – continuing to look for anyone who is willing to teach a class (i.e. cake decorating, painting, etc.)
Stephanie discussed she has had some challenges with the recreation committee in trying to keep the meetings moving in a positive manner.  So far there hasn’t been the support that she had expected.  Will continue to be pro active, specifically she has been asking for volunteerism opportunities and has not had much response.  Hoping that after the Blueberry Jamboree and summer vacations, things will be more positive.  Brief discussion followed.  No decisions were made at this time.
Stephanie stated she really is enjoying this job, Deb has been helpful and she is looking forward to successful programs.
7:00 – Motion by Chairwoman Day to enter out of the Selectmen’s Meeting and enter into the Public Hearing to discuss a Community Development Block Grant.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams. No discussion.  Voted 3-0  
7:30 motion by Chairwoman Day to enter out of the public hearing and re-enter the Selectmen’s Meeting.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams. No discussion.  Voted 3-0  
See minutes of Greenfield CDBG Public Hearing for discussions & decisions.

7:30 – Cheryl Jessie & Ted Jarest – Monadnock Mountaineer – Conversation followed regarding meeting again before the season gets started.  Previously discussed plans for improvements – they are still moving forward but would like a complete plan to provide before Town Meeting and the start of football season.  
Goals – would like to incorporate the current goals into their field goals.  They are very similar and could be painted; they could be permanently installed and utilized by both soccer & football.
Flagpole – would like to get the flagpole installed as well.  Deb to find out what size flag pole John Hopkins has, it needs to accommodate the flag Lee LeBlanc donated.  Before any decision will be made Deb will get back to Mountaineers & the Board about the flagpole & flag sizes.
Rental Agreement - Payments were discussed – a proposal of $1500.00, of which $200.00 was paid earlier in the year; discussed  ½ now and whatever the cost of the installation of the flag pole & improvements will be, no labor costs, would be deducted from 2nd ½ payment.
Town Meeting – Discussion as to if this will this be a floor vote or a ballot vote. Discussion followed – Kullgren encouraged them to invite the residents in Greenfield to a game to really see what the program is all about.  Discussion of sound barriers followed.  
Mountaineers will get their plan together, meet with Stephanie & the Oak Park Committee; they will then come back to the Board with a concrete plan.  They will also get a price for the flag pole installation, goal improvements, netting, a decibel meter, keep a noise log etc.
Concessions – Selectmen gave approval for the Mountaineers to continue to sell their concessions as they have for the past four years.  
Selectmen thanked Ms. Jessie & Mr. Jarest for their update.
8:15 - Donat & Kimberly Bay – Mr. & Mrs. Bay came before the Board to request an abatement.  Kimberly opened by stating she is not sure where the Board and Plowshare are with moving forward on the exemption.  Last fall they met with the Board and discussion followed with regards to the fact the construction of the new house, they were hoping to keep their taxes where they were in 2008.  The house is complete, certified and not yet licensed.  Explained it is very difficult to obtain licensing.  One person is currently living in the house, they hold a $300,000.00 mortgage, there are house parents, there are taxes and no income for this house.  Discussion followed with regards to Plowshare’s financial situation.
Bay discussed how the house “Joivis” did not go into the pilot this year; it was an error on her part, as she did not think it was necessary.  They want to philosophically pay the school & county portion, however they cannot pay the full portion of this tax bill.  They have not budgeted for a $10,000.00 tax bill, they would like to have some negotiations considered.
Kullgren asked for their proposal –
Bay replied asking for the Board to let them put Joivis in the Payment in Lieu of Taxes program, if they are not able to do that, then they request a smaller PILOT for the other properties.  
Discussion regarding the building not being completed as of April 1, they did not get their occupancy permit until two months ago.  Discussion followed regarding the value of this building as of April 1.  Deb will contact the assessor, Mark Stetson to discuss this matter.
Bay stated basically they are requesting a $6,700.00 PILOT adjustment to allow them to remain within their budgeted amounts for 2009.

Selectmen will take their request into advisement, and further discuss this with the assessor.
9:00 – DPW, Joe Ellis – Ellis was here to report how the last two weeks have gone.
Daily workload – The crew has been grading when they can, depending on weather.  Trimming trees and brush, he met with someone about cutting at the cemetery, and also will take the hangers down.  He will do it cheaper than anyone.  
Deb asked who “he” was –
Joe replied it is his cousin Danny Ellis.  Joe further stated his cousin has insurance and will provide a copy to the town.  Prior to this, the plan was they were going to hire Asphlund and use the town truck, it would be $100.00/hour – Ellis has spoken to the Local Government Center regarding the Town’s insurance, which will be approximately $9.00/hour, $10.00/hour for fuel for a total of approx. $119.00/hour; Danny will do this job for $75.00/hour providing we rent the man lift, and we put the fuel into the man lift.  Ellis stated with his cousin doing the job it is approximately $95.00/hour.  Ellis further stated by hiring this out it frees the highway crew up to be able to work on culverts, and other road projects.
Kullgren asked if there are any other estimates, if not, Kullgren would recommend that he get at least two other prices.
Ellis stated the price for Hancock was $20,000.00
Kullgren stated that their should be more bids and that the Board should sign off any decisions relating to this project, as Danny Ellis is a family member to Joe and everything needs to be transparent.
Greenvale Cemetery – Ellis reported that yesterday he discovered a broken pipe at the cemetery.  The pipe has been fixed and back filled.
Chain Saw – Ellis stated they have used the Town chainsaw a lot since December, he and Jeff Tarr have been using their own chainsaws.  The Town chainsaw is tired and he asked if they could put a new chainsaw through the FEMA grant funds.  Deb was instructed to find out if we could use FEMA funds to purchase a new chain saw and then she will get back to Ellis.
Brush Pile – Chairwoman Day commented that the brush at Oak Park is a concern. It is a liability for several reasons and must be removed as soon as possible.  
Ellis stated that Justin Wells is scheduled to do it; it will be removed either in the middle or end of August.  Ellis stated he had quotes from two other people who also said they would not get to it until the end of August.  
Day stated her logger looked at it, explained what is needed and will get Karen a price to take care of the pile before the end of August.
No decision was made at this time.
Road reconstruction – Kullgren asked what his time frame looks like to get the FEMA work completed and to also get the road reconstruction and other projects finished.  Ellis stated that if they have the money they wanted to get to the other side of Mountain Road.  Ellis stated that they could get 3/10 completed this year and complete the FEMA projects.  Selectmen reviewed the budget, they agreed that as much of Mountain Road as possible, must be completed as soon as possible.  After reviewing the budget it has been determined that 5/10 of mile can be completed.  Ellis agreed to this and will get it started.
Overtime – Ellis was asked about overtime on his time card.  He stated that beavers had moved upstream and are on Miner Road, he had concerns for the road and had to clean the grate as the beavers are filling up the culvert.  
Adams asked how long it takes?
Ellis stated about 45 minutes.  
All three Selectmen discussed there is no overtime unless it is an emergency or prior approval is granted.  Ellis must use his time accordingly to assure no overtime.
Dunklee Hill Road – Deb was asked by a resident why was the grader on Dunklee Hill Road if no work was being done on Dunklee Hill Road.  
Ellis stated that he was on Miner Road to clean out the culvert, was going to East Road and thought he would go by and check out the dam.  Ellis wanted the board to know that Duffy reminded him that part of the beaver dam is in the Towns right of way.
Time sheets – Ellis would like to change the format of the time cards to allow for more information to be recorded.  Selectmen all agreed that was fine.
Piping – Ellis has prices from Ferguson and Prescott – Ferguson bought pipe when the prices were lower, saved them for highway departments. There is 2200’ of pipe for 49 culverts; Ellis believes it is more cost effective to purchase the pipe at this time rather than year-by-year.  The cost is $25,682.00 for Ferguson; Prescott is $26,280.  Though this makes sense no decision was made at this time.
Approval of minutes:
Selectmen approved the July 9, 2009 minutes
Sign Documents:
A/P invoices
Letter to GCCC re: keys to meeting house
Old Business:
FEMA status - There is no update at this time.
ComCast – Selectmen received a letter from ComCast declining the invitation to bring ComCast to Greenfield.  Deb was instructed to contact Verizon Fios, Media Vision, Time Warner and Fairpoint to come talk about installing DSL throughout the entire town.
Budgets – Selectmen discussed budgets to date, they would like all Departments to be in attendance for the August 13th meeting.
New business:
Mail - Misc. Mail was reviewed
Keys -– Larry Fuller has been contacted to change the lock at the Meeting House on the sanctuary; BOS will have 4 keys for spares.
Fire Dept. –
  • Benefit Cost Analysis seminar on Wednesday, September 16 & Thursday, September 17 to be held in Concord 9-5; This course will instruct municipalities how to best handle emergency situations.  Deputy Chief White thought it would be good if a representative from the Highway, Selectmen’s Office and/or Peter Hopkins attend.  Discussion followed, most likely Deb will represent the Selectmen’s Office, Deb was also instructed to contact Peter & Joe and encourage their attendance.
  • Fire Training – Selectmen signed a letter of approval for the Fire Training authorizing them to enter onto residential properties (i.e. filling pools, cleaning chimneys, brush burning etc.)

Lifeguards – Deb reported Andrew Alibozak did an outstanding job in saving a young child this past week.  A letter of appreciation will be mailed to him, a copy placed in his personnel file.
Adjournment:  At 10:45 pm, motion by Chairwoman Day to adjourn, the next meeting, which will be to discuss a legal matter will be Thursday July 30th at 7:00 pm.